Pathfinder School Science

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I love snow days ask any of my students. The potential of the possibility finds me encouraging students to:
1. wear their pajamas inside out and backwards,
2. to flush an ice cube down the toilet or
3. throw a marshmallow out the door the night before.

Being Irish these of course make sense. When my own children were little a snow day meant being outside sledding down huge hills through the orchards of Leelanau County. Calling the neighborhood kids, they would be out for hours only to come in for hot chocolate and to dry their gear, next to the wood stove, to get ready for the next round. Being a teacher, with the day off too, meant I was the designated daycare – a job I relished!

Play is so very important for young and old. Play is how we learn what is right or wrong, what our limits are or why rules are important. So while many parents may not be happy with their work schedules interrupted, which is a total drag – I understand! You can still ensure your student is learning just by kicking them out the door to play in the snow with their local tribe. Enjoy the video about brain development and play.

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